30 Οκτωβρίου, 2009

Chris Rea

My world is miles of endless roads
That leaves a trail of broken dreams
Where have you been I hear you say
I'll meet you at the Blue Cafe
'Cause, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one who does not care
Cards of fate, the older shows
The younger one, who dares to take
The chance of no return
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what is new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know is new?
Where are you going to?
'Cause I want to go with you
The cost is great, the price is high
Take all you know, and say goodbye
Your innocence, inexperience
Mean nothing now
'Cause, this is where the one who knows
Meets the one who does not care
Where have you been I hear you say
I'll meet you at the Blue Cafe
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what is new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know is new?
Where are you going to?
'Cause I want to go with you
Where have you been?
Where are you going to?
I want to know what is new
I want to go with you
What have you seen?
What do you know is new?
Where are you going to?
I want to go with you


Immagine: Penca de flores...ou semáforo natural!! - book fotografico di Diego F.Antonello
Immagine: Penca de flores...ou semáforo natural!! - book fotografico di Diego F.Antonello


E cosi fu che dopo quella sera
noi non ci riincontrammo piu’
La chiamo sera perche di solito
allora la gente si fa i conti:
Cos'e' che avevo fino ieri
Cosa non avro piu’ da domani
Ma Che ora e’?
Hai fatto tardi stasera
Troppo tardi, mi sa
Cento e piu giorni dal quei ciao
quei ciao l'uno dopo l’altro
Una carezza sulla spalla
E poi un’ora senza una parola
davanti a quel semaforo
polso lento verde-rosso
Poi ancora verde
Poi di nuovo rosso
Un contatempo deciso
Con la crudelta’ della linea
Senza la promessa di un orologio
Che con il suo circolare movimento
Ritorna allo stesso punto
Un infinita’ di volte
Semprando un mulino
Che elabora le giornate
Macinando la loro tristezza
Dandoci pane per nutrire
Le nostre inutili speranze.


Μέσα στο αλλόκοτο σύνολο ιδεών που επεξαργαζόταν το άρρωστο πιά μυαλό του, βρήκα κάποιο ενδιαφέρον όσον αφορά την υποτιθέμενη ύπαρξη των Ζομπότ (παιδιά των Ζόμπι και των Ρομπότ) και των Νεαντερτάλιμπαν (παιδιά των Νεάντερταλ και των Ταλιμπάν). Τα υπόλοιπα ήταν κοινότυπες θεωρίες περί Τέχνης, περί προελεύσεως των λέξεων, νεολεξίες κ.ά.