Blue Rose - album di IrishPics
Twelve men blues
Eleven men were marching in the graveyard
playing a music that made shake my feet
they were all dressed in coal black clothes
and I thought they had someone to meet
The field was all covered with wet leaves
the men kept walking under the sky's tears
rain,moan,music and fear were all around them
but they knew well that their man was near
All of a sudden they heard a voice calling
and-Oh,my Lord believe me- I heard it too
that person was standing severe in their way
asking them to do fast what they came to do
They took him with them out of the graveyard
he walked in front and the others followed him
the music they played turned into glorious
and all the twelve voices joined into a hymn
So when you hear about some strange stories
if you would like to narrate a tale you too
remember the words I have just told you
about eleven men that went to save their dude.
3 σχόλια:
Κατά τη γνώμη μου ένα μεταφυσικό μπλουζ βασισμένο στις παραδόσεις των πρώτων Αφροαμερικανών. Συνειρμοί που έκανα εκ των υστέρων με πήγαν στους 11 αποστόλους που σαν ύστατη συγχώρεση πήραν από το βασίλειο του θανάτου τον μετανοημένο 1, τον αμαρτωλο Ιούδα και μαζί ξεκίνησαν πάλι την αποστολή τους.
Μόνο που κοντεύω να στραβωθώ για να το διαβάσω.
Λίγο πιο έντονο blue, pleaseeee! :)
Αξίζει να στραβωθείς...το ποίημα βγάζει μάτια!
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